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Egypt Gender Equity Seal for CIB and Vodafone


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The World Bank, the National Council for Women (NCW), in collaboration with the UK’s Embassy in Egypt, announced on Thursday the official launch of the Egyptian Gender Equity Seal (EGES).

The UK-funded project aims to promote gender equality in the workplace, by providing a framework and certification for businesses wishing to achieve real and productive change. Evidence suggests that when female employment rates are equal to that of males, the GDP of a country increases significantly.

This is just one of the ways in which the UK is supporting women and girls here in Egypt and across the world

The seal is a certification awarded to private sector entities in Egypt that apply gender equity measures in their work environment, It is considered an effort that aims to increase the productivity of the private sector through providing equal economic and work opportunities between males and females.

The launch took place through a virtual event held by the World Bank in the presence of officials representing Vodafone Egypt and the Commercial International Bank, which are the first private sector entities that obtained the EGES certification.

Maya Morsy, President of the NCW, said that

the launch of such a seal is consistent with Egypt’s Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030, which affirms the importance of gender equity in the work environment, especially in the private sector.

Morsy urged Vodafone and CIB to encourage other private sector entities to apply to the EGES certification, adding that bridging gender gaps in workplaces will benefit the Egyptian economy and productivity of the private sector itself positively.

British Ambassador to Egypt Sir Geoffrey Adams said that gender equity is good business sense, urging other private sector entities in Egypt to apply for the new seal.

He added that the UK’s Embassy in Egypt is eager to work with Egypt in such an effort and to attract more companies to join as well.