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Membership Form

Membership Form

    Personal Information

    Membership type :

    Working Member: An owner or shareholder in a company that has a professional and commercial record/ holders of government or leadership positions in international companies and banks. Affiliate member: a person who does not meet the conditions of an active member, such as the absence of a commercial register Honorary member: non-Egyptians and public figures

    Annual Membership Fee:

    For Egyptians: 1200 Egyptian pounds (paid annually) For new members: 1200 EGP + 500 EGP administrative expenses (paid once) For non-Egyptians: $100

    Documents required:

    1. A copy of a personal identity card. 2. Copy of the commercial register and tax card. 3. High-quality personal photos. 4. Small Bio Arabic & English. 5. Company Profile.  6. Company Logo.

    Notes and conditions:

    All members enjoy the services of the association throughout the year. Attendance of 3 meetings is required to renew the subscription The right to run for the Board of Directors is for active members only, and they have been in office for 5 consecutive years. The right to attend and vote in the general assembly of the working members only after a year has passed. The term of membership is one year, not automatically renewed, and is renewed at a new request from the member. Membership or renewal request is approved by both members of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors has the right to refuse to renew membership or to request membership, and membership can be terminated if three members of the Board of Directors agree without giving reasons. To join the association: It is required to attend 3 meetings to accept the application to join or with the official approval of the Chairman of the Board of Directors. I, the undersigned, certify that all the data and information mentioned are correct, and I have agreed to all the terms and notes.

    The Date

    Full name

    Home Address:

    Mobile Number

    Email Address

    Date of Birth

    Education Degree

    Social media profiles:

    Names of other participating societies (if any) :

    Company Name:

    Company Address:

    Telephone / Fax:

    Business Sector:


    Number of Employees:

    Number of Female:


    Activity in the commercial register :