Businesswomen of Egypt 21 was hold one- day workshop on May 14th, 2018 in Four Season Hotel
The one- day workshop held by Mrs. Pamela Stenzel, it has the following content:
- General overview about the work of FIDAR e.V. and the key information on the present legal framework in Germany
- Building and knowing the ecosystem (political parties, women associations, media, business associations, economical bodies, academia etc.).
- Moderated discussion by Pamela Stenzel about the (existing/potential) ecosystem in Lebanon with the audience
- Brainstorming: Specific mutual actions and/recommendations with identified ecosystem
- WoB- Index: Sustainable way of presenting collected data and the role of academia
- FIDAR Forum: Annual summit to give impulses for FIDAR strategy.
- Empowering women on board: Training, On-Boarding, Mentoring & Networking