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About Company
About the company :

EGSN is considere done of themost experienced local developer and manufacturer ofpremium institutional products

We provide high standard housekeeping, kitchen and laundry products for all B2B ser-vices including; hotels,companies, instituitons, compounds and factories Kit

We use the most advanced tools and technology to ensure that our products deliver it’s aim Mother company (Egysan) was established in 1976. Since then it has revamped both it’s op-erations and identity in order to maintain it’slead in themarket.

We have designed and chosen an identity in which, we believe it truly portraies the princi-ples and aims of EGSN. Furthermore, we have expanded our operations to the B2C sector in order to continue EGSN’s long success

Founder: Tania Taher
Contact Details
Member Name: Tania Taher
Title: General Manager
Member profile: