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Members Companies

True Harmony – Segem For Elevators

About Company
Date of Establishment: 1989
About the company :

True Harmony
In 1989 our company has started exploring many different art forms including
drawing, shaping metals and interior designs. With many exhibits inside and
outside of Egypt, we aim to spread innovative and pondered designs all over
the world. We seek creativity that combines additional deep thoughts that helps
keeping our work steady & efficient with artistic creations agenda.
We are one of the elevator industry business leaders handling the world’s top
brands in Egypt since 1948; we provide high-value vertical transportation to
customers and world markets by means of flexible and innovative technologies
along with improved employees’ professionalism as well as customers’ and
suppliers’ loyalty.

Target Markets: local and exporting
Founder: Thaer Jrab
Number of Employees: 6
Contact Details
Member Name: Sahar Jrab
Title: Partner & Markting Director
Member profile:
Fax: +20 23937248
True Harmony,gallery 17, souq El Fustat ,Hassan AL Anwar street,next to Amr ibn al AS mosque, Cairo, Egypt