Alia Gamal Hafez
Alia is currently Corporate Communications Consultant for EKH since 2012. She is currently responsible
for Corporate Communications which extends to investor relations matters, websites, press releases,
conferences and corporate representations in the investment industry.
Alia held HR leadership role at Egypt Kuwait Holding Co (EKH) since 2008 as an Active Chairman’s
Consultant. Her role was to develop HR professionals at EKH group of companies and ensure they
apply HR programs and activities. This role also allowed her to partner with both HR leaders and
various business units GMs in addressing cultural and business environment issues with the aim of
promoting organization effectiveness and people capabilities which in turn equips these business units
with a competitive advantage through the human capital.
Her role allowed her to develop and implement HR policies and procedures in line with corporate HR
strategy across subs in order to maximize the potential of the company’s human capital. She was also
able to implement compensation and benefits policies and practices that ensure that employees are
fairly and competitively remunerated in line with their contribution and that the company is able to attract
and retain high caliber employees. She was able to advise EKH senior management on various
organizational/business issues – including change management, talent, culture, and team functioning
and leadership effectiveness. She was able to develop and implement company-wide programs and
initiatives banking on her management experience with PDF. She was able to transform the company
paving the way for an effective full-fledged HR function and services.
Since 2000 through 2008, Alia has held a number of positions at Professional Development Foundation
(previously known as Future Generation Foundation; FGF) including Organizational Development
Consultant, Deputy Executive Director, Executive Development Program Manager (EDPM) and
Corporate Development Manager. As the EDPM, she was responsible for the successful launch of the
prestigious programs of Harvard Business School and Kennedy School of Governance of the Harvard
University, Women Leadership program of Center of Creative Leadership (CCL) and the Indian Institute
of Management – Ahmedabad in Egypt.
PDF, not for profit NGO, brings to the region Human Resource Development programs tailored to the
evolving learning needs of organizations. PDF’s human resources development programs cover all tiers
of management
Under the direction of the board of directors, Alia implements and manages PDF’s policies and
programs and is in-charge of the daily management tasks of PDF team. Under Alia’s leadership, PDF
has graduated over 25,000 graduates from the Basic Business Skills Program (BBSA). 75% of these
BBSA graduates are meaningfully employed.
Prior to PDF, Alia held the post of Assistant Executive Director of Egyptian Center for Economic Studies
(ECES) a reputed think tank in Egypt. In this capacity, Alia gained vast experience of coordinating
various Economic studies at the ECES and in collaboration with other similar centers/institutions world
wide such as the World Bank and Mediterranean Development Forum. Alia was also responsible for
coordinating the quarterly round tables to facilitate discussions on Egyptian Economy.
Alia is certified as Corporate Director (CPCD) from EIOD in conjunction with IFC. She holds an MA in
Public Administration from the American University in Cairo, has attended the prestigious 6-weeks
management development program, Senior Executive Program for Middle East, with the Harvard
Business School, the 2 weeks Human Resource Executive Program at Ross School of BusinessUniversity of Michigan and had attended the Assessment Certification Workshop at the Center for
Creative Leadership (CCL) –North Carolina. She had attended different courses with Hay Group, DDI
and IFC.