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Egypt’s 12th Economic Forum 2020

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-10 at 3.39.18 PM
This year, the forum seeks to present all investment opportunities and challenges in the field of the industry through experts in the field of industry, banking, economy, finance, and business, the Forum of Egypt over the past twelve sessions has been the link between the Egyptian government and the private sector in all fields and is expected to be the year 2020 the year of Egyptian industry to support the Egyptian government’s plan to support industry and exports and support growth Egypt 2020

This year the forum will include several important sessions that will discuss the ability of the industry to grow in Egypt / Egyptian real estate industry and the export of real estate in addition to supporting the sector and industry of money and business in Egypt and a special session on Egyptian exports working on the growth of exports in Egypt

In light of the initiatives of the Central Bank of about 50 billion pounds to support The Egyptian industry, Egypt’s economic forum this year had to work to consolidate and solve the problems of Egyptian and foreign investors in the Field of Egyptian Industry, and this forum will be the link between all and is a great opportunity for the owners of existing factories and a great opportunity also for the owners of emerging factories and also an opportunity for exporters to discuss all ways of supporting industry in Egypt and also working on the b2B factory system

This conference was covered in all aspects and aspects of the industry will be the main nerve in the development of Egyptian industry in Egypt 2020