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BWE21 Committees

تعريف لجان الجمعية_1
BWE21 has accommodated the new initiative proposed in tour Six modified committees. Each Committee Head held a meeting with her 2 assistants to work on a plan that is derived from BWE21 goals & objectives.

§  Membership Affairs Committee headed by Dr. Hanan Gewefel, preparing an introduction paper for BWE21 new members to get the utmost benefits from our network, A bundle of discounts will be offered soon to all of our members, wellbeing outing will be arranged on a monthly basis.

§  Women on Board Committee headed by Mrs. Samaa Sabry collaborate with different entities working on lobbying for women empowerment, Women in Business (WIB) portal, The Visa Women Network, AUC Egyptian Board Ready Women Database.

§  The Social Responsibility Committee headed by Mrs. Dina Youssef will take the responsibility of upgrading one of the public schools.

§  Women in Technology & Trade Committee headed by Mrs. Enas Sayed arranges for informative webinars on digitalization for the members and women-owned SMEs. In addition, the committee will develop an E-commerce platform.

§  International Cooperation and projects Committee headed by Mrs. Salwa Anwar, working on several projects for cooperation with NGOs, Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation, Banks and other entities.

§  Training and Human Resources Development Committee headed by Dr. Nadia Shafie, working on developing a training needs survey for the members in order to customize personal development programs. A mentoring program will be developed in the next month.