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Business Development Services Program Provided By CHF


This event designed to introduce the Training Institutions’ partners as a part of our “Business Development Services” program and “Women in Business Capacity Building Training” initiative.

The agenda also includes keynote speeches about the stakeholders, bank partners, and opportunities for collaboration with different organizations aiming to create a better community for women business owners in Egypt.


CHF – Business Development Services – ELGF
BePro Consultant
American Chamber
Skills Bank
Business Women of Egypt 21 (BWE21)
Manifesto LLC
The Arab Academy for Banking Management and Financial Science AABMFS
Circle Training
Economic Development and Entrepreneurship Association EDEA
Safwat Management Consultant SMC
Ahead of the Curve
Levari – The Legal Clinic
Commercial International Bank CIB
Discussion Panel (CHF, CIB, Levari, SMC, TIPS)