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International Cooperation and Projects :

Head of the committee Mrs. Aida Zayed

The committee is working on several projects for cooperation with NGOs, Egyptian Ministries, Banks, and other entities.

Women in Technology & Trade Committee

Head of the committee Mrs. Enas Sayed

The committee is focused on issues affecting the digital economy, including trade in digital goods and services and how emerging technology influences traditional trade, In addition, the committee is responsible for developing & managing E-commerce platform.

Training and Human Resources Development :

Head of the committee Dr. Nadia Shafie

Raising competencies and skills for members through holding training courses and workshops that adopted to businesswomen need  and today’s market

Membership Affairs :

Head of the committee Dr. Hanan Gewefel
The Membership Committee is responsible for collaborating with committees, association members, board, and staff liaisons on key strategies, challenges, and needs in order to provide insight on membership. increasing engagement, benefits, and retention of members.

Social Responsibility

Head of committee Mrs. Dina Youssef

The committee is responsible for formulating and recommending Social Responsibility activities to be undertaken by the association.

Women on Board :
Head of the committee Mrs. Samaa Sabry,

The committee is responsible for delivering valuable resources encouraging women in realizing their potential and attain leadership and board positions.